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Michele's Poetry
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Poetry not written by me 

 "A Tribute to our WWII Vets"
My Grandpa, and your Grandpa,
Maybe even a great Uncle or two,
They went off to fight a war,
And they called it World War II.
They knew what they were doing,
When they left their families,
Even though it wasn't easy,
They fought to keep the peace.
I know that if it wasn't for them,
And their courage along the way,
That we wouldn't enjoy the freedoms,
That we hold so dear, today.
They made lots of sacrifices,
To protect the U.S.A.,
Some made it back, and some did not,
For those that didn't, let us pray.
Although there are so few of you,
We lose so many more each day,
But at least we know, because of you,
Our FREEDOM'S here to stay!
God Bless you all,
And from all of us our thanks,
Because of you, there will always be,
Total FREEDOM throughout our ranks!
Written by:  Sheldon L. Phillippe, Jr.
Copyright 4/10/2003

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