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Michele's Poetry

Stew Pot

Where has my youth gone?
Where have the years disappeared?
Why am I pondering my life?
What have I to show?
The Aswers to all the above
Can be answered simply
And without hesitation,
When I look at my children.
Where has it all gone?
It was never mine to keep
It was on loan, not always mine,
but to be passed on to my children
Where has my youth gone?
My children now have it
It was on loan,
And my children are what I have to show.

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Wish I Were A Cat
How I wish I were a cat,
Loved and cherished by all
Not a care a care in the world
To sit all day in the window
Looking at the people scurrrying by
To be fed when I meow.
To be stroked when I sit upon a lap
How I wish I were a cat.
I'd be so cute, adorable and fluffy
Playful and kittenish
I would purr all day long
As I would be quite content
I would sleep the day away, peacefully
When my human was asleep in the night
I would wake them from their slumber
With another meow to get them to let me out.
I wish I were a cat
Prowling my territory
Hissing and spitting at that nasty dog
Or that feline trespasser from next door
Protecting my property and my human
From the terrible dangers of the world
How I wish I were a cat
Life would be so much simpler then.

Our world news is racked by chaos and strife
Fighting, battles, unnecessary loss of life.
Death and tragedy the biggest part of everyday news
Virtually nothing is left ot keep us amused.
Give us something to make us smile and forget the other.
We struggle through each day in a hazy way
Wondering what is going to happen today
Not to be heard is happiness and life enjoyed
We are given more war, sadness, terror, and unemployed.
Help us to push troubled thoughts away for even a little while.
Come on newsmakers of the WORLD!!!!
Wake up your act, show a bit of tact
Yes, we should know about the horor going on right now
Try to remember the world has also a lot of good in it
Please can you give us a little that is not so sad.

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Moaney Moar Childrens Farm
The donkey is loudly braying
Children are squealing with sounds of delight
Chickens running around and in the garden are laying
Moaney Moar Childrens Farm is a wonderful sight.
Finches flutter in a cage of wire
The pig noses around in his sty
A little blind lamb is left by his sire
You cannot pass Moaney Moar Childrens Farm by
The horses neighing in the stable
Dogs greeting the children where they can
The cafe's wonderful smells, the food on the table
Down on the Moaney Moar Childrens Farm on the Isle of Man.

Please if you use my poetry please credit me. All my poetry is original unless stated.